Saturday 19 October 2013

Registration Process!!!

Hey guys! Guess you are wondering how to participate in Malaysian Intervarsity Leadership Conference(MILC) 2014!

In order to enhance potential students’ leadership skill, only 40 participants will be selected to participate in this event. MILC would have 3 orderly stages before come to be finalized participants.

In the 1st stage, we infinitely welcome all the students who are interested in to register as participants.
Next, we would invite professionals from various fields to filter the potential participants during the screening process.
Then, we would invite sponsor representatives who are also professionals from distinct fields to interview all potential participants and pick out the final 40 participants to join the conference.

Please take note that the fee for final participants is RM100.

Registration start on 21st October 2013(Monday).

Stay tuned for more information.


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